It's been a couple days since the incident, but I am still flabbergasted that the worlds richest man went up on stage at a presidential inauguration he didn't rightfully belong at, and sieg heiled in front of the entire country. The most insane thing is that a stunning number of people are trying to write it off, excuse it, and say it's not what it clearly was.

I'm past the point of feeling like a bad thing will happen, as I was in my last post. Bad things, now, are happening. The new president's policies are insane. He policies the speech of the people, deciding the definitions of words on a governmental level, he's trying to rename natural land-forms to fit his own ego, he's decided the best way to combat inflation is to drill more oil? The worst part is that a head at Exxon even said they don't expect to follow through on doing it. That's on top of still going through with his tariffs that everyone except the world's most brainwashed MAGA-heads know are going to go terribly, so they don't even get their cheaper eggs they thought they were voting for.

I can't even take satisfaction in the fact that his supporters were wrong to rally behind him. This is going to hurt all of us, a lot. News media is already consolidating behind him, censorship on US-controlled social media sites and platforms is ramping up. As a children growing up, we were taught two things: China is bad, because they silence the voices of their people, and that we should all hate Nazis, for reasons I wish I didnt even have to explain.

I see now our country has abandoned both of these things. I am glad my great-grandfather has passed. He would be very disappointed in us all.

Elon musk, passionately hitting a Sieg Heil at the end of his speech on inauguration day, which he went on to do again just moments later.